CAPS Lab Community Web Site
“CAPS” stands for “Cognitive Affective Personality Science.” That means that we scientifically study “thinking” and “feeling” and “who we are.” Our goal is to learn more about how our thoughts and feelings affect our experiences, how we see ourselves, and our relationships with others.
We do not provide psychological treatments of any kind at the CAPS lab. Our research is purely aimed at trying to understand the problems people suffer with their emotions, especially when they have had traumatic experiences. One day, we hope that our work will pave the way for new treatments for mental illness that involves problems with mood changes or feeling depressed, fearful, or anxious. But for now, we appreciate our participants as collaborators to help us learn more so that we can help people better in the future.
Many people from Middletown the surrounding areas of Connecticut–and some as far away as New York or Boston–have participated in our studies. We are grateful for their efforts to help us study the effects of trauma and to understand the psychological problems and difficulties regulating mood that sometimes follow such experiences.